

Fuman_System_Trait_Configurable Class Fuman_System_Trait_Configurable


app_core_action_translationvalidate_interface_validatefile Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
app_core_action_translationvalidate_interface_validatekey Interface for translation validators
app_core_inputtype_groupedmapping_component_interface Interface to mark component as groupedmapping layout
app_core_inputtype_link_urihandler_interface URI handler interface
app_core_inputtype_mapping_component_interface Interface to mark component as mapping layout
Fuman_Access_Private Actions which implement this interface, must be listed in Fuman_Acl to be executed.
Fuman_Access_Protected Actions which implement this interface, need a logged in user
Fuman_Access_Public Actions which implement this interface are public for everybody
Fuman_Action_Export_Interface Actions with this interface will be placed around the table
Fuman_Action_Hidden_Interface Actions with this interface wont get layouted
Fuman_Action_InputType_Interface Actions with this interface are related to a inputType
Fuman_Action_Navigation_Interface If a Fuman_Action_Abstract implements this interface, it will be added to the navigation
Fuman_Action_NoCaller_Interface Actions with this interface will not have a caller param in uri
Fuman_Action_Record_Interface Actions with this interface are related to a record
Fuman_Action_Table_Interface Actions with this interface are related to a table
Fuman_Action_Unique_Interface Actions with this interface are traded as unique
Fuman_Application_Listener Listener interface for application
Fuman_Db_Record_AccessController Interface to control access to record for a given action name
Fuman_Db_Record_Listener Listener interface to get informed about record save/delete on a table
Fuman_Form_Model_RenderElementsUpdateRequest Form model
Fuman_InputType_Configuration_Interface Fuman_Action and Fuman_InputType can implement this interface to be configurable in the admin section. Fuman_InputType implements this interface by default.
Fuman_InputType_Filter_ModifyRecordSetInterface Interface to implement custom record set logic
Fuman_InputType_Filter_PrepareFilterComponentInterface Interface for filter which will be called before filter preparation
Fuman_Navigation_Listener Listener interface for application
Fuman_Registry_TableListener Fired if a new table has been added to registry
Fuman_Response_Export_Interface Export interface
Fuman_Session_Storage_Interface Represents a Session Storage
Fuman_System_CronJob Cron job interface
Fuman_System_Tag Interface used to tag system internal classes
Fuman_Template_TranslatedDataInterface Translated data interface
Fuman_Validate_Record_Interface Interface to validate a record directly


app_core_action_add Add action.
app_core_action_ajaxservice Routes {@link Fuman_Action_Service_Abstract}
app_core_action_ajaxservice_service_getformcomponent Re-renders a form component of a Fuman_InputType.
app_core_action_clearcache Imports translations from main fuman server.
app_core_action_contentcheck System care center : Used for clean up sytem tables like fuman_page or fuman_tree
app_core_action_cron Executes {@link Fuman_System_CronJob}
app_core_action_csv Exports all record of a Fuman_Table as a csv.
app_core_action_csv_response_csv Parses data to a csv response.
app_core_action_csvimport Abstract table action implementation
app_core_action_default Default action of fuman.
app_core_action_delete Deletes an record.
app_core_action_edit Used to edit an record.
app_core_action_editmyself Used to edit an record.
app_core_action_error If a error occurs, the system routes to this action.
app_core_action_fileimport Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
app_core_action_fileimport_service_inputtypeloader Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
app_core_action_frontend Frontend sitemap action
app_core_action_inlineoverlay Used to edit an record.
app_core_action_inlinetranslate InlineTranslate is a XHR proxy to modify the translations inline (right click on translation string)
app_core_action_install Install dialog and logic for instaling
app_core_action_install_step_abstract Welcome step.
app_core_action_install_step_build Build step
app_core_action_install_step_check Runs system check.
app_core_action_install_step_configuration Configuration step.
app_core_action_install_step_database Database step.
app_core_action_install_step_security Performs security checks.
app_core_action_install_step_success Install process successfull
app_core_action_install_step_user User step
app_core_action_install_step_welcome Welcome step.
app_core_action_list Displays a list of record of a Fuman_Table with the tablerecodslist component.
app_core_action_livedoc System care center : Used for clean up sytem tables like fuman_page or fuman_tree
app_core_action_login Default login action of fuman.
app_core_action_logout Used to logout current user.
app_core_action_managenavigation Manage navigation
app_core_action_manageseo Manage SEO
app_core_action_moduleexport Module export
app_core_action_moduleinstaller System care center : Used for clean up sytem tables like fuman_page or fuman_tree
app_core_action_overview Displays all navigation- children of the action. Does not need an unique key, always displays the active navigation item.
app_core_action_preview Abstract action. Handles request
app_core_action_projectinstall Install dialog and logic for instaling
app_core_action_projectinstall_step_projectbuild Build step
app_core_action_recalculatefile Imports translations from main fuman server.
app_core_action_rss Exports all record of a Fuman_Table as a csv.
app_core_action_rss_response_rss Parses data to a csv response.
app_core_action_search Searches the Fuman_Table_SearchIndex by a given word.
app_core_action_searchindexstat Abstract action. Handles request
app_core_action_selectrole Displays a form for choosing a Fuman_Auth_Role. Also handles the request to change role by the app_core_component_auth- component.
app_core_action_service Routes {@link Fuman_Action_Service_Abstract}
app_core_action_sitemap Sitemap action
app_core_action_systemcheck Checks the system if its well configurated.
app_core_action_translationimport Imports translations from main fuman server.
app_core_action_translationkeydiff Make a key diff visa versa
app_core_action_translationkeydiff_service_delete Deletes the translation record with the give id
app_core_action_translationmanage Translation manage
app_core_action_translationmanage_service_gspell Translate the value in to the given language
app_core_action_translationmanage_service_translate Translate the value in to the given language
app_core_action_translationmanage_translator_abstract Abstract for translation service
app_core_action_translationmanage_translator_bing Bing translator
app_core_action_translationmanage_translator_google Google translator
app_core_action_translationpublish Imports translations from main fuman server.
app_core_action_translationsystemtable Translation system table
app_core_action_translationvalidate Translation validate action
app_core_action_translationvalidate_service_delete Deletes the translation record with the give id
app_core_action_translationvalidate_validator_app App namespace validator
app_core_action_translationvalidate_validator_custom Custom namespace validator
app_core_action_translationvalidate_validator_fuman Fuman namespace validator
app_core_action_tree Represents a tree structure over many Fuman_Table's.
app_core_action_updatelock Updates the lock of a record.
app_core_action_userpreference User preferences action
app_core_action_view Shows the values of a record in a read only form.
app_core_action_wcagvalidate Class app_core_action_wcagvalidate
app_core_action_wizard Wizard action
app_core_action_wizard_step_abstract Abstract wizard step
app_core_component_about Displays the logo and current version of fuman.
app_core_component_accessibility Accessibility component
app_core_component_auth Description of Logout
app_core_component_backendheader Backend header component
app_core_component_backendinterfacelanguage Shows a list of possible interface languages to choose from. Data by Fuman_Client.
app_core_component_breadcrumb Breadcrumb shows the path to the current action. Gets data from Fuman_Navigation.
app_core_component_button Represents an html button.
app_core_component_filter Displays a list of filters, collected from Fuman_InputType.
app_core_component_filter_filterset Displays a list of filters, collected from Fuman_InputType.
app_core_component_filter_filterset_combinator FilterSet combinator
app_core_component_filter_preference Filter preference component
app_core_component_filter_service_filterloader Loads a filter and returns a json response with rendered html.
app_core_component_filter_service_filterset_loader Loads a filterSets and returns a json response with rendered html.
app_core_component_filter_service_filterset_updatename Updates the name of the filterset and load it
app_core_component_filter_service_filterset_updatesequence Updates the sequence of the filterSets
app_core_component_form Form component
app_core_component_frontendinterfacelanguage Shows a list of possible interface languages to choose from. Data by Fuman_Client.
app_core_component_frontendsitemapnavigation Displays the top navigation. Gets data from Fuman_Navigation.
app_core_component_headcomponent Displays a list of components in the header. Used to add Links like filter.
app_core_component_htmlheader Adds the fuman default header to html
app_core_component_icon Represents an icon with an svg icon and text.
app_core_component_inlinebackendheader Inline backend header component
app_core_component_lasteditinfo Last edit info component
app_core_component_messages Displays all Fuman_System_Message's which are set in Fuman_Registry.
app_core_component_navigation Displays the top navigation. Gets data from Fuman_Navigation.
app_core_component_overlay Used to add overlays to the layout.
app_core_component_paging Displays a form to manage paging of Fuman_Db_RecordSetMeta
app_core_component_search Component to display a search form.
app_core_component_selectrole Used to select a Fuman_Auth_Role.
app_core_component_svg SVG component
app_core_component_table Represents a html table
app_core_component_tablearraylist Represents the default table view of a array list.
app_core_component_tablerecordlist Represents the default table view of a RecordSet.
app_core_component_tablescrollable Represents an vertical scrollable table.
app_core_component_tablesortable Represents a html table
app_core_component_tabs Represents a tab container. Used by app_core_action_add.
app_core_component_toolbar Toolbar (iconbar)
app_core_component_viewswitch Button to switch between design and content view.
app_core_filter_bool Used to filter bool's.
app_core_filter_datetime Used to filter a value by a list of values.
app_core_filter_numeric Used to filter numeric values.
app_core_filter_text Used to filter text
app_core_filter_text_fulltext Used to filter text
app_core_filter_time Used to filter a value by a list of values.
app_core_filter_valuelist Used to filter a value by a list of values.
app_core_form_button Represents a button.
app_core_form_checkbox Represents an checkbox input field.
app_core_form_datalist Represents an datalist input field.
app_core_form_datetime Represents a datetime field
app_core_form_file Form file
app_core_form_groupselect Represents an groupselect input field.
app_core_form_hidden Represents an hidden input field.
app_core_form_html Represents a html form field.
app_core_form_link Represents an datalist input field.
app_core_form_link_service_searchpage Updates the tree after a node has changed its position.
app_core_form_password Represents an password input field.
app_core_form_radiogroup Represents a radio-button list.
app_core_form_select Represents a select input field.
app_core_form_selectcheckbox Represents a select input field.
app_core_form_selecttable Select table
app_core_form_submit Represents an submit form field.
app_core_form_tablelist Represents a select input field.
app_core_form_textarea Represents an textarea input field.
app_core_form_textfield Represents an textfield input.
app_core_form_time Represents a time field
app_core_init Dev runtime app
app_core_inputtype_actionrolemapping Used to select an action. Scans the app directory for actions and shows them in a select box.
app_core_inputtype_actionselector Used to select an action. Scans the app directory for actions and shows them in a select box. Fuman_Action_Abstract which have implemented the Fuman_InputType_Configuration_Interface are going to set their config on the form component.
app_core_inputtype_checkbox Represents a checkbox inputtype which handles bool values.
app_core_inputtype_checkbox_service_update Update the checkbox value
app_core_inputtype_classselector Fuman_InputType
app_core_inputtype_color Used to chose select a color or from a list of defined colors.
app_core_inputtype_columnselector Shows an select with all columns of the current Fuman_Table.
app_core_inputtype_columntype Checks if the db types (fuman and database) are the same type
app_core_inputtype_contentblock Content block reference
app_core_inputtype_currentclient Represents a reference to user or role.
app_core_inputtype_datetime Represents a datetime field.
app_core_inputtype_dbselector Used to select a database-connection for Fuman_Table. Connection-names are from Fuman_Config
app_core_inputtype_email Represents an value which is unique in the database. When a value is already saved in database, the inputtype reformats the value till its unique.
app_core_inputtype_embed Used to embed a variety of services.
app_core_inputtype_embed_component_embed Embed component
app_core_inputtype_embed_service Service-struct for embed inputtype.
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_abstract Abstract embed service
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_gmap Embed service for Google Maps
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_iframe Embed service for IFRAME
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_instagramm Embed service for Instagramm
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_issuu Embed service for ISSUU
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_mixcloud Embed service for MixCloud
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_sfvideoportal Embed service for SF Video Portal
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_slideshare Embed service for SlideShare
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_soundcloud Embed service for Sound Cloud
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_twitter Embed service for Twitter
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_vimeo Embed service for Vimeo
app_core_inputtype_embed_service_youtube Embed service for YouTube
app_core_inputtype_embed_translationvalidate_validator Embed translations validator
app_core_inputtype_file Represents a file upload. Storage and source of the upload can be changed over the config.
app_core_inputtype_file_derivative_abstract File derivative
app_core_inputtype_file_derivative_derivatives Derivative container
app_core_inputtype_file_derivative_imageresize Derivative image size
app_core_inputtype_file_filecontainer File container
app_core_inputtype_file_migration Class app_core_inputtype_file_update
app_core_inputtype_file_service_cacheproxy Displays a Fuman_File which was saved by the file inputtype temporarily.
app_core_inputtype_file_service_configderivative Returns the derivative config
app_core_inputtype_file_service_croptemplate Returns the crop template
app_core_inputtype_file_service_dropbox Displays a Fuman_File which was saved by the file inputtype temporarily.
app_core_inputtype_file_service_protectedfilesystemproxy Displays a Fuman_File which was saved by the file inputtype temporarily.
app_core_inputtype_file_source_abstract Abstract class of a file source.
app_core_inputtype_file_source_dropbox Represents a standard http upload
app_core_inputtype_file_source_http Represents a standard http upload
app_core_inputtype_file_storage_abstract Represents an abstract storage for uploaded files.
app_core_inputtype_file_storage_filesystem Represents the default storage of fuman which saves the files into the data directory.
app_core_inputtype_file_storage_protectedfilesystem Represents the default storage of fuman which saves the files into the data directory.
app_core_inputtype_file_translationvalidate_validator Validator for translation validate
app_core_inputtype_fumantableselector Used to select a database-connection for Fuman_Table. Connection-names are from Fuman_Config
app_core_inputtype_groupedmapping Grouped mapping
app_core_inputtype_groupedmapping_component_groupedcheckbox Represents a checkbox view of mapping.
app_core_inputtype_groupedmapping_migration app_core_inputtype_groupedmapping_migration migration
app_core_inputtype_groupedreference Handles an reference to another Table
app_core_inputtype_groupedreference_migration app_core_inputtype_groupedreference_migration migration
app_core_inputtype_groupedreference_service_configloader Loads the right config if the inputtype has changed.
app_core_inputtype_groupedreference_service_loader Loads the records/options from the selected group
app_core_inputtype_iconselector Used to select an icon for a Fuman_Table.
app_core_inputtype_inputtypeselector Used to select a Fuman_InputType and configurate it.
app_core_inputtype_inputtypeselector_service_configloader Loads the right config if the inputtype has changed.
app_core_inputtype_keyvalue Key value
app_core_inputtype_link Link
app_core_inputtype_link_urihandler_page URI handler for page
app_core_inputtype_mapping Represents a mapping to another Fuman_Table.
app_core_inputtype_mapping_component_abstract Represents a abstract view of a mapping.
app_core_inputtype_mapping_component_abstractcheckbox Represents a checkbox view of mapping.
app_core_inputtype_mapping_component_checkbox Represents a checkbox view of mapping.
app_core_inputtype_mapping_component_table Represents a table view of a mapping.
app_core_inputtype_mapping_service_filter Loads a filter and returns a json response with rendered html.
app_core_inputtype_page Creates meta tags and uri for a record.
app_core_inputtype_page_keywordextractor Extracts keywords from text
app_core_inputtype_page_migration update for translatable online inputtype
app_core_inputtype_pagestatus Page status
app_core_inputtype_password Represents a password.
app_core_inputtype_passwordconfirm Represents a password.
app_core_inputtype_reference Handles an reference to another Table
app_core_inputtype_reference_service_filter Loads a filter and returns a json response with rendered html.
app_core_inputtype_referencelist Used to show records which are referencing to its column.
app_core_inputtype_referencelist_component_modelrecordlist Model record list
app_core_inputtype_referencelist_component_tablerecordlist Table record list
app_core_inputtype_referencelist_service_inlineform Updates the tree after a node has changed its position.
app_core_inputtype_sequenceselector Represents a sequence field.
app_core_inputtype_sequenceselector_service_constraintselectloader Loads the right config if the inputtype has changed.
app_core_inputtype_sequenceselector_service_update Updates the sequence field when the record has changed in a sequenceview.
app_core_inputtype_sitemap Sitemap
app_core_inputtype_tableclassselector Fuman_InputType
app_core_inputtype_tableselector Used to select the table in the database for a Fuman_Table.
app_core_inputtype_textarea Represents a textarea.
app_core_inputtype_textarea_migration app_core_inputtype_textarea migration
app_core_inputtype_textarea_service_editorpanel Updates the tree after a node has changed its position.
app_core_inputtype_textarea_translationvalidate_validator Text area translation validator
app_core_inputtype_textfield Represents a textfield.
app_core_inputtype_textfield_service_inlinesave Updates the tree after a node has changed its position.
app_core_inputtype_time Represents a datetime field.
app_core_inputtype_translation Represents a textarea.
app_core_inputtype_tree Represents a tree structure over a list of Fuman_Table.
app_core_inputtype_tree_service_update Updates the tree after a node has changed its position.
app_core_inputtype_treeselector Fuman_InputType
app_core_inputtype_unique Represents an value which is unique in the database. When a value is already saved in database, the inputtype reformats the value till its unique.
app_core_inputtype_validationgroup Used to select an action. Scans the app directory for actions and shows them in a select box. Fuman_Action_Abstract which have implemented the Fuman_InputType_Configuration_Interface are going to set their config on the form component.
app_dev_action_carecenter Wizard action
app_dev_action_carecenter_step_configure Class app_dev_action_carecenter_step_configure
app_dev_action_carecenter_step_execute Class app_dev_action_carecenter_step_execute
app_dev_action_carecenter_step_select Class app_dev_action_carecenter_step_select
app_dev_action_dbstate Abstract action. Handles request
app_dev_action_editorplayground Text editor playground
app_dev_action_export Exports all record of a Fuman_Table as a csv.
app_dev_action_import Import
app_dev_action_phpvalidate System care center : Used for clean up sytem tables like fuman_page or fuman_tree
app_dev_action_phtmlvalidate System care center : Used for clean up sytem tables like fuman_page or fuman_tree
app_dev_action_sitemapkickstarter Sitemap kick starter
app_dev_action_svgvalidate System care center : Used for clean up sytem tables like fuman_page or fuman_tree
app_dev_action_tablecleanup Table clean up
app_dev_action_tablecleanup_component_abstract Abstract component for table cleanup
app_dev_action_tablecleanup_component_cleanupcolumns Deletes unused (undefined) columns from table
app_dev_action_tablecleanup_component_renamecolumns Helps renaming columns
app_dev_action_tableuml Table UML
app_dev_action_testtextarea Abstract action. Handles request
app_dev_action_translationsystemtable Translation system table
app_dev_init Dev runtime app
app_more_action_alias Alias action
app_more_action_container Action container
app_more_action_dashboard Class app_more_action_dashboard
app_more_action_dashboard_service_widget Class app_futeam_action_widget_service_save
app_more_action_editproxy If there is only one record to display/edit show record directly on click in first-level-navigation
app_more_action_module Module
app_more_action_navigationlist Navigation list
app_more_action_proxy Represents a proxy which can execute a child action by a given url-pattern and table-uniquename.
app_more_action_proxy_child_action Child action proxy
app_more_action_search Basic Search
app_more_component_addthis Used to display add-this buttons
app_more_component_ajaxcontent AJAX content
app_more_component_breadcrumb Bread crump
app_more_component_facebook Used to display facebook social plugins.
app_more_component_form Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
app_more_component_gallery Gallery
app_more_component_gmap Google map
app_more_component_googleanalytics Class app_more_component_googleanalytics
app_more_component_htmlheader Adds the fuman default header to html
app_more_component_madebyfugu Represents an abstract component.
app_more_component_placeholderimage Used to display a image placeholder.
app_more_component_placeholderimage_service_image Placeholder image service (generates image on the fly)
app_more_component_progress Represents an abstract component.
app_more_component_progress_service_default Used to create ajax services for input types.
app_more_form_country Country selector
app_more_form_datepicker Date picker
app_more_form_multiinput Multi input
app_more_form_recaptcha Represents a captcha form element.
app_more_form_recaptcha_validate_recaptcha Recaptcha validator
app_more_form_text Text
app_more_inputtype_chronos Fuman_InputType
app_more_inputtype_form Form
app_more_inputtype_formfield Form field
app_more_inputtype_geolocation Geo location
app_more_inputtype_json Fuman_InputType
app_more_inputtype_language Key value
app_more_inputtype_module Module
app_more_inputtype_pagealias Page alias
app_more_inputtype_progress Fuman_InputType
app_more_inputtype_proxypreview Fuman_InputType
app_more_inputtype_syntaxhighlightedtextarea Fuman_InputType
app_more_inputtype_widgetselector Created by JetBrains PhpStorm.
app_more_table_chronos app_more_table_chronos hold time entries for display purposes
app_more_table_chronos_navigation_builder Class Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Loader_Tree
app_more_widget_abstract Class app_more_widget_abstract
app_more_widget_linkbox Class app_more_widget_linkbox
app_more_widget_meteo Class app_more_widget_meteo
app_more_widget_notes Class app_more_widget_notes
app_more_widget_search Class app_more_widget_linkbox
AzureMarketplaceAuthenticator AzureMarketplaceAuthenticator
Fuman_Acl Access Control List for Table, Action, Service
Fuman_Action_Abstract Abstract action. Handles request
Fuman_Action_Descriptor Describes an Fuman_Action_Abstract by its implemented interfaces and superclasses.
Fuman_Action_Descriptor_Virtual Describes an virtual action by its implemented interfaces and superclasses.
Fuman_Action_InputType_Abstract Abstract inputType action implementation
Fuman_Action_Record_Abstract Abstract record action implementation
Fuman_Action_Router Fuman_Router routes {@link Fuman_Action_Abstract}.
Fuman_Action_Service_Abstract Used to create ajax services for input types.
Fuman_Action_Table_Abstract Abstract table action implementation
Fuman_Action_Unique_Abstract Represents an unique Fuman_Action_Abstract.
Fuman_Application_Abstract Fuman_Application
Fuman_Application_Default Represents the content-view application.
Fuman_Auth_Http_Abstract Abstract HTTP Auth
Fuman_Auth_Http_Basic Fuman Http Basic Auth
Fuman_Auth_Http_Digest Fuman Http Digest Auth
Fuman_Auth_Http_Form Authentication via form input
Fuman_Auth_PasswordUtil Util to encrypt password for multiple targets
Fuman_Auth_Role Fuman_Role
Fuman_Auth_Role_Administrator Administrator role of fuman.
Fuman_Auth_User Fuman Auth User
Fuman_Client Fuman_Client
Fuman_Column Fuman Column represents a Column in a Database.
Fuman_Column_Abstract Fuman_Column_Abstract
Fuman_Column_ManyToMany Represents a Fuman_Column which maps to another Fuman_Table.
Fuman_Column_ManyToOne Represents an column which references to another Fuman_Table
Fuman_Column_OneToMany Represents an column which references to another Fuman_Table
Fuman_Column_Relation All column classes which are handling relations are extending this class.
Fuman_Component_Abstract Represents an abstract component.
Fuman_Config Fuman_Config
Fuman_Config_Loader_Abstract Abstract Config Loader
Fuman_Config_Loader_Host Host Config Loader
Fuman_Config_Loader_Main Main Config Loader
Fuman_Db_Abstract Abstract driver for fuman. Most queries are already implemented.
Fuman_Db_DataType Hold data type of a sql column
Fuman_Db_Driver_FumanPDOStatement Proxy class to log prepared statements and count queries
Fuman_Db_Driver_Mssql Microsoft SQL Server generic driver (based on PDO MSSQL)
Fuman_Db_Driver_MssqlViaDblib Microsoft SQL Server via PDO DbLib (best choice for MSSQL)
Fuman_Db_Driver_MssqlViaOdbc Microsoft SQL Driver via ODBC
Fuman_Db_Driver_MssqlViaSqlsrv Mssql driver which connects to database over the sqlsrv driver.
Fuman_Db_Driver_Mysql MySQL driver for Fuman_Db_Abstract
Fuman_Db_Parameter Object which holds values for a prepared statement. A unique key will be generated for every added column
Fuman_Db_Parameters Object which holds values for a prepared statement. A unique key will be generated for every added column
Fuman_Db_Query_ColumnList The where structure of an sql statement
Fuman_Db_Query_Join The where structure of an sql statement
Fuman_Db_Record Represents one database record
Fuman_Db_Record_Cache Cache
Fuman_Db_Record_Cache_Container Cache
Fuman_Db_RecordSet Holds a list of Fuman_Db_Record
Fuman_Db_RecordSetMeta Hold meta data about a record set
Fuman_Db_SearchContent Object to collect data for the search index
Fuman_Db_SqlJoin Joins a sql statement. Implements chaining-interface.
Fuman_Db_Where The where structure of an sql statement
Fuman_Exception Description of Exception
Fuman_Exception_Manager Handles all thrown php errors and exceptions.
Fuman_Factory Fuman_Factory
Fuman_File File implementation for fuman.
Fuman_File_Cache Fuman_Cache
Fuman_File_Processor_Abstract Abstract processor for files
Fuman_File_Processor_Crop Used to crop an image.
Fuman_File_Processor_Flip Flips image
Fuman_File_Processor_Image Abstract image processor
Fuman_File_Processor_Resize Processor which resizes an image
Fuman_File_Processor_Rotate Processor which rotates an image
Fuman_Form_Abstract Super-class of all app_core_form implementations.
Fuman_Form_Handler Form handler
Fuman_Form_List_Abstract Fuman_Application
Fuman_Form_Model_Abstract Form model abstract
Fuman_Form_Model_Basic Form model
Fuman_Form_Model_Table Table form model
Fuman_Frontend_Action Frontend action
Fuman_Frontend_Application Frontend application
Fuman_Frontend_Router The fronted-router handles the routing by Fuman_Frontend_Navigation.
Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Action Superclass of all actions which are used in a frontend application.
Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Builder_Abstract Class Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Loader_Abstract
Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Builder_Page Class Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Loader_Tree
Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Builder_Tree Class Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Loader_Tree
Fuman_Frontend_Sitemap_Navigation The frontend-navigation fills its items from Fuman_Table_Page
Fuman_Frontend_Theme Response for Frontend. Has Additional Logic for Meta-data
Fuman_InputType Fuman_InputType
Fuman_InputType_Config Config container, used by Fuman_Form_Model_Basic.
Fuman_InputType_Config_Handler This class handles the process for configurate an class.
Fuman_InputType_Configuration Configuration input type
Fuman_InputType_Element Fuman_Inputtype_Renderer
Fuman_InputType_Filter_Abstract Used to create concrete filters used by app_core_component_filter.
Fuman_InputType_Filter_Complex Filter column
Fuman_InputType_Filter_Component The filter-component holds the whole information for an filter.
Fuman_InputType_Filter_Relation Filter column
Fuman_InputType_Filter_Simple Used to create concrete filters used by app_core_component_filter.
Fuman_InputType_Renderer Fuman_Inputtype_Renderer
Fuman_InputType_Renderer_Abstract Represents the form view of an Fuman_InputType.
Fuman_InputType_View Input type view
Fuman_Loader Fuman Loader
Fuman_Module_Abstract Abstract module
Fuman_Navigation Navigation tree handling.
Fuman_Navigation_Administrator Administrator navigation
Fuman_Navigation_Backend Standard/Default navigation for backend based on ACL
Fuman_Navigation_Caller Navigation caller
Fuman_Navigation_Caller_State Navigation caller data
Fuman_Navigation_Item Represents an item in the navigation. used by navigation, breadcrumb, overview action.
Fuman_Registry Fuman_Registry holds all Objects
Fuman_Request Represents current Request Object. Get and Post will be merged to one single parameter argument
Fuman_Response_Abstract Fuman_Response_Abstract
Fuman_Response_Data This class is the main class to render a template. JavaScript, CSS info will be always placed on the root object
Fuman_Response_File Plain Text Response
Fuman_Response_Html Html response of fuman.
Fuman_Response_Json JSON response
Fuman_Response_Plain Plain Text Response
Fuman_Response_Xml Plain Text Response
Fuman_RuntimeCache Cache which will write data into a file as php code
Fuman_Session Fuman_Session represents an Session
Fuman_Session_SerializableArray Class Fuman_Session_SerializableArray
Fuman_Session_Storage_MySqlDbStorage Represents the session storage which uses MySql.
Fuman_Session_Storage_Standard Represents the standard session storage which uses the $_SESSION array to store its data.
Fuman_Session_Storage_TempStorage Represents the session storage which stores data in temp folder
Fuman_System_CacheCleanUp Cleans the system from old logs, cache and temp files.
Fuman_System_Check Check
Fuman_System_Check_Abstract System check abstract implementation
Fuman_System_Check_FileSystem Checks some important fuman dirs/files
Fuman_System_Check_PhpBenchmark PHP benchmark check
Fuman_System_Check_PhpIni Checks php ini
Fuman_System_Check_PhpModules PHP modules check
Fuman_System_Check_PhpVersion Checks php version
Fuman_System_Check_Security Security check (tries to read some config/uploaded files
Fuman_System_CleanUp Cleans the system from old logs, cache and temp files.
Fuman_System_Messages Container messages to show the user a status of an action which he has executed.
Fuman_System_Migration Fuman migration
Fuman_Table Fuman_Table Represents a Table in a Database.
Fuman_Table_Acl Fuman ACL table
Fuman_Table_Extended_Page Fuman_Table_Extended_Page links the Fuman_Table with "fuman_page"
Fuman_Table_Extended_System For editable system tables
Fuman_Table_Flag Fuman table user
Fuman_Table_InputType Fuman input type table
Fuman_Table_Journal Journaling table for system
Fuman_Table_Lock Fuman lock table
Fuman_Table_Page Fuman page hold info about any type of record (uri, title, etc)
Fuman_Table_Preference Fuman preference table
Fuman_Table_Role Fuman role table
Fuman_Table_SearchIndex Fuman search index table (global search)
Fuman_Table_Setting Fuman setting table
Fuman_Table_System Parent table of all Fuman_Table which are required to run the system.
Fuman_Table_SystemDisplayNameSetter Application listener to set display name of system tables
Fuman_Table_Table Fuman table
Fuman_Table_Translation Fuman translation table
Fuman_Table_Tree Fuman tree table (used to layout any type of tree, e.g. sitemap)
Fuman_Table_User Fuman table user
Fuman_Table_ValidationGroup Fuman table user
Fuman_Template_Data Data object templating
Fuman_Template_InputTypeUsage Used to get template usage info about a class
Fuman_Template_Parser This class is the default fuman template engine
Fuman_Template_Parser_State Parser state
Fuman_Template_Processor Processors are used to provide additional functionalities in template
Fuman_Template_Processor_Attribute If processor ({call:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Call If processor ({call:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Component Component processor ({component:valuePath})
Fuman_Template_Processor_Config Config processor ({config:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Date Config processor ({date:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Dump Dumps a value.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Filter Filter processor filters items from array
Fuman_Template_Processor_Global Global processor ({global:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_I18NDate Config processor ({i18ndate:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_If If processor ({if:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_InlineTranslation Processor for {inlinetranslation:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Response Response processor ({response:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Snippet Processors are used to provide additional functionalities in template
Fuman_Template_Processor_Theme Global processor ({global:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Time Config processor ({time:.
Fuman_Template_Processor_Translate Translate
Fuman_Template_Processor_Translation Gets translation for given name ({translation:.
Fuman_Template_TranslatedData Translated data
Fuman_Template_TranslatedDataContainer Translated data container
Fuman_Template_Usage Used to get template usage info about a class
Fuman_Theme Fuman_Layout
Fuman_Uri_AbstractBuilder Abstract uri implementation
Fuman_Uri_PrettyBuilder URI pretty implementation (SEO style URI)
Fuman_Uri_QueryBuilder Query implementation of URI (using query string in URI)
Fuman_Util_Browscap This is a reimplemention of Browscap by Jonathan Stoppani <st.jonathan@gmail.com>
Fuman_Util_File File system path util
Fuman_Util_HttpRequest Http Request
Fuman_Util_Less Fuman specific CSS-LESS class
Fuman_Util_Logger Logger
Fuman_Util_Mailer Util mailer. Extends php mailer for additional functionality
Fuman_Util_Number Offers some static number helpers
Fuman_Util_Packer Packs multiple php files into one file
Fuman_Util_Paginator Paginator is used to make page handling issues easier.
Fuman_Util_Search Class which parsed google like search syntax into an tree-array
Fuman_Util_Sitemap Renders an XML Sitemap for Google and other Search Engines
Fuman_Util_String String Util
Fuman_Util_Table Util class for fuman system table
Fuman_Util_Web Web implements some static web helpers
Fuman_Validate_Abstract Description of Abstract
Fuman_Validate_ColumnExists Checks if column on table exists
Fuman_Validate_Email Checks if email is valid by syntax
Fuman_Validate_Empty Checks if value is empty (null or '')
Fuman_Validate_HexColor HexColor validator (#FF00FF)
Fuman_Validate_NotEmpty Checks if value is empty (null or '')
Fuman_Validate_Numerical Checks if value is numerical
Fuman_Validate_NumericalRange Checks if numerical range is valid
Fuman_Validate_PregTest Validates a value against given regex pattern
Fuman_Validate_StringLength Checks if string length is valid
Fuman_Validate_TableExists Table exits (checks if the given table name exits in database)
Fuman_Validate_Unique Checks if value is unique
Fuman_Validate_Uri Checks if email is valid by syntax
JSMin JSMin.php - modified PHP implementation of Douglas Crockford's JSMin.
Less_Cache Utility for handling the generation and caching of css files
Less_Colors Utility for css colors
Less_Configurable Configurable
Less_Environment Environment
Less_Exception_Chunk Chunk Exception
Less_Exception_Compiler Compiler Exception
Less_Exception_Parser Parser Exception
Less_Functions Builtin functions
Less_Mime Mime lookup
Less_Output Parser output
Less_Output_Mapped Parser output with source map
Less_Parser Class for parsing and compiling less files into css
Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ Encode / Decode Base64 VLQ.
Less_SourceMap_Generator Source map generator
Less_Tree Tree
Less_Tree_Alpha Alpha
Less_Tree_Anonymous Anonymous
Less_Tree_Assignment Assignment
Less_Tree_Attribute Attribute
Less_Tree_Call Call
Less_Tree_Color Color
Less_Tree_Comment Comment
Less_Tree_Condition Condition
Less_Tree_DefaultFunc DefaultFunc
Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset DetachedRuleset
Less_Tree_Dimension Dimension
Less_Tree_Directive Directive
Less_Tree_Element Element
Less_Tree_Expression Expression
Less_Tree_Extend Extend
Less_Tree_Import CSS @import node
Less_Tree_Javascript Javascript
Less_Tree_Keyword Keyword
Less_Tree_Media Media
Less_Tree_Mixin_Call Tree
Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition Ruleset
Less_Tree_NameValue A simple css name-value pair ex: width:100px;
Less_Tree_Negative Negative
Less_Tree_Operation Operation
Less_Tree_Paren Paren
Less_Tree_Quoted Quoted
Less_Tree_Rule Rule
Less_Tree_Ruleset Ruleset
Less_Tree_RulesetCall RulesetCall
Less_Tree_Selector Selector
Less_Tree_UnicodeDescriptor UnicodeDescriptor
Less_Tree_Unit Unit
Less_Tree_UnitConversions UnitConversions
Less_Tree_Url Url
Less_Tree_Value Value
Less_Tree_Variable Variable
Less_Version Release numbers
Less_Visitor Visitor
Less_Visitor_extendFinder Extend Finder Visitor
Less_Visitor_joinSelector Join Selector Visitor
Less_Visitor_processExtends Process Extends Visitor
Less_Visitor_toCSS toCSS Visitor
Less_VisitorReplacing Replacing Visitor
MicrosoftTranslator MicrosoftTranslator.class.php
OAuthSimple OAuthSimple - A simpler version of OAuth
object PHP STORM conversion fix
ReCaptcha Class ReCaptcha
ReCaptchaMailHide Class ReCaptchaMailHide
ReCaptchaResponse Class ReCaptchaResponse
SMTP PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class.
SQL_Parser A sql parser
SQL_Parser_Compiler A SQL parse tree compiler.
SQL_Parser_Lexer A lexigraphical analyser inspired by the msql lexer
























































cmp(string  $a, string  $b) : integer

Comparator to sort by class name


string $a
string $b




ctype_alnum(  $c) 




ctype_alpha(  $c) 




ctype_cntrl(  $c) 




ctype_digit(  $c) 




ctype_graph(  $c) 




ctype_lower(  $c) 




ctype_print(  $c) 




ctype_punct(  $c) 




ctype_space(  $c) 




ctype_upper(  $c) 




ctype_xdigit(  $c) 



